Videos of presentations at DerbyCon 2011 – a must-see for anyone in information security or intelligence

During the weekend of September 30 – October 2, the DerbyCon took place in Louisville, Kentucky, at the Hyatt Regency hotel. During those three days, a number of extremely skilled and knowledgeable speakers presented on different topics in three parallel tracks. All the presentations were video recorded and are now available online.

There is a very high likelihood that you will learn valuable things from watching these videos, either from an information security standpoint, or from an open source intelligence standpoint.

Use Google to search. No really.

Over 60 percent of searches include only three words or less.

In over 80% of all search queries made, less than five words are used.

According to the Internet monitoring company Hitwise,  the distribution of number of words used in search queries looked like this by January 2009. The statistics cover searches made, not people doing searches, which is important. Still, in over 80% of searches, less than 5 words are used in the search query. The most common search query length is 2 words.

Now, we all make a lot of searches, and in some cases we have learnt that typing one or two specific words will give us the site we are looking for on the first page of search hits. Also, a lot of people have learnt that putting a single word XYZ directly in the address field of the browser will take them to Doing the same thing in Google Chrome will deliver a search on that word. People are a combination of lazy, practical, and smart – they quickly learn what works and repeats that. When they search for something for real, the more word-rich queries come in to use.

For anyone looking for something specific on the web, the chances of finding it increase if you have the knowledge to utilize the full power of the search engines. Think of it as shifting from first gear of search engine usage to second, third, fourth and fifth.

There are two dimensions to this:

1) Make sure you use the most appropriate and adequate search engine for the information you need to find. This is treated upon further in a separate article.
2) Make sure you know how to tell the search engine exactly what you are looking for, instead of throwing in a bunch of keywords in random order. This is all about making use of search operators and special characters which allows you to specify alot more complex conditions than “I want to see pages that contain these words”.

Searching more effectively with Google

There is a reason why Google is the dominating search engine: they index more, they index quicker, and they are good at understanding what results people are interested in. In fact, Google’s ability to index web content in combination with the powerful search operators specific to Google, has given birth to Google Hacking. Google hacking has nothing to do with breaching Google security. It is about using advanced searching with Google as part of the research and reconnaissance phase of a network system penetration attempt for the purpose of a) spotting targets or b) finding possible points of attack against a target.

Apart from leveraging the advanced search operators of Google in the hunt for exploit opportunities, you will of course benefit greatly in your search for information from being skilled at pushing the right buttons of the Google search engine.

Below is a list which cover what you need to know in order to make Google do a better job for you when searching. Roughly, these search operators can be put in three groups:

1) those that say what to search for, i.e. what words and numbers to match, and

2) those that say where to search, i.e. operators that limit the scope of the search or specify where the match should be,

3) those that are specialized information lookup operators, which make Google return results of a certain kind only

Operators that say WHAT to search for

1) “What” operators Result / Effect / Meaning
secret information Will find content that contain each of the words anywhere in the text, but not necessarily side by side
“secret information” Will match the exact phrase and word order
~secret Includes synonyms, alternative spellings and words with adjacent meaning
secret information OR intelligence Will find content that contain the word secret plus either one of the words information and intelligence
intelligence -information Will find content that contains the word intelligence while not containing the word information
intelligence +secret Will search for content that contains intelligence and secret, with secret as required content
intelligence-community Will find content where the two words exist separated, or written as one piece, or hyphenated
“central * agency” The * character serves as wild card for one or more words
Note! When the * character is used between two numbers in a search with no letters, it will function as a multiplication operator, returning the mathematical result multiplying the two numbers.
“US” “gov” Google automatically includes synonyms and full-word versions of abbreviations. Putting each term in quotes assures that the search is made for exactly those terms.
“coup d’etat” 1945..1969 Will find pages that contain any number in the range 1945-1969 and the phrase “coup d’etat”

Operators that say WHERE to find a match between search term and content

2) “Where” operators Result / Effect / Meaning
 define: Will look for the search term in word list, dictionary and glossary type of pages, e.g. define:secret
 define Alternative syntax for define:. Will look for the search term in word list, dictionary and glossary type of pages, e.g. define secret
intelligence ~glossary Will find the word intelligence on pages that are of a glossary or dictionary or encyclopedia type
site: Will limit the search to include only the internet domain specified, which can be a top domain, a main domain, a sub domain and so on. Examples:site:mil (combine several with the OR operator between them: site:mil OR site:gov)
inurl: Will limit the search to only look for the search terms in the page URL. This example will show results where either one or both of wiki and sigint are part of the URL:inurl:wiki sigint
allinurl: Very similar to inurl: but with the difference that all of the words specified must be found in the URL.
intitle: Will limit the search to only look for the search terms in the title of pages. Title in this context means the web document HTML title, which is what you see written in the browser tab or browser window top frame.
allintitle: Very similar to intitle: but with the difference that all of the words specified must be found in the page title.
inanchor:  Will limit the search to only look for the search terms in the anchor text of hyperlinks on pages. The anchor text is the text that was turned into a link to some page by the page creator. The anchor text may reveal something about what the page creator thinks about the page linked to, for example “Useful information on security”.
allinanchor: Very similar to inanchor: but with the difference that all of the words specified must be found in the anchor text.
intext:  Will limit the results to include only pages where the search term was found in the text of the page.
allintext:  Very similar to intext: but with the difference that all of the words specified must be found in the text of the page.
filetype:  Will limit the results to include only files with the file extension specified, e.g. filetype:pdf to get only PDF documents
ext:  Short-hand version of filetype: that provides the exact same result
cache:  Will show the Google cache version of a web site if available, e.g.
Note! This cannot be combined with additional search terms or operators
related:  Will show pages that have something in common with or are related to the site you specify, e.g.
Note! This cannot be combined with additional search terms or operators
link:  Will show pages that contain a link pointing to the URL you specify, e.g.

Special search operators – valid only on specific Google sites

3) Special operators Result / Effect / Meaning
 location: – presents news search results related to the location, e.g. location:kabul
 source: – presents news search results from the source specified, e.g. source:times
author: – presents posts written by the author specified, e.g. author:einstein
group: – presents posts made in the group specified, e.g. group:publicintel

When looking for information where you only have a vague idea what you should search for, only have parts of a name or only an approximate date range, advanced queries combining several such bits and pieces, involving both the OR operator, phrase quotes, and the * wild card will let you cover all bases and perform one single search that returns all possible matches.

Here are a few interesting examples that apply several of the operators listed above.


  • PDF-files published by FBI that talk about interrogation, methods, and deception: ext:pdf +interrogation +methods +deception

  • We pages under the .mil top domain where the page title contains the word “staff”, and the page contains a link with the word “login”, excluding PDF-files as well as word documents:

site:mil intitle:staff inanchor:login -ext:pdf -ext:doc

  • Excel files published with the word “internal” as part of the URL, with the phrase “internal use only” in the file:

inurl:internal ext:xls OR ext:xlsx “internal use only”


Learn more about how to search with Google:

Free tools for turning search hit pages into RSS feeds

When working with environmental scanning, competitive intelligence scanning, industry monitoring, corporate reputation monitoring or any similar activity, many people use a feed reader and organize feeds on their topics and keywords of interest. A wide choice of feed readers exist, and should I mention just one, that is probably is one step ahead since this (free) service allows you to organize feeds and many other types of content in a collection of tabs of your own design – all of it kept online for access and use from anywhere.

While this approach to scanning, monitoring and collecting is working fine for many people, a problem shows up when you want to monitor search results from some search engine or directory which does not provide the results as a feed of any kind.  For example, this is the case when you do a regular web seach with Google: the resuts cannot be obtained formatted as an RSS or Atom feed. So, if you are monitoring PDF documents issued by the US government or US military about piracy in the Gulf of Aden, using the following query: "Gulf of Aden" piracy ext:pdf site:(.mil OR .gov), then you cannot get those search results as a feed from Google.

The solution is to use one of a number of free services that formats any web page into a feed, making it readable and presentable by any feed reader. Raju, the owner and editor of TechPP, made a list in April 2009 of what he considers to be the top 10 services of this kind: Top 10 Free Tools to Create RSS for Any Website.

The services listed by TechPP are: (not a free service)